Manifestation works... here's how

This guest post is a powerful one.  It's from Hillary Schneider, coach and owner of Epona Rise Retreats. 

At the beginning of 2015, everything in my life and business came to a screeching halt.  It was clear --- I could not get to the next step if I didn't change how I approached my life and business. 

This is when I met Hillary.  With her guidance and wisdom, I was able to find my way out. 

She is 100% open and transparent about her journey from struggling entrepreneur (with a herd of horses to take care of), to flourishing on her dream property (now with 17 horses!), a thriving coaching practice, amazing retreats and more.

She is a master manifester and I hope you will enjoy her words as much as I do. :)


Manifestation works.

I know this.

I have created most of my life and business through manifestation and was reminded lately, just how powerful this is.

Sometimes, or often, we forget how powerful we are, how magical the world is, and how we are able to call things into our lives with what feels like little effort.

There is effort, of course. There always is.

But there is a difference between turning inwards and connecting to something deeper versus forcing things to happen.

A story to tell you…

I have a horse named Jet.

The last few days he has shown himself most presently in the field.

Jet lived on this ranch before I came here, and when I knew that there was a reality of me potentially buying this ranch, I knew there would be some horses staying with me.

This ranch was a dude ranch with 18 horses, and I was overwhelmed trying to figure out who was going to stay with me. Intuitively I felt 4-5 were meant to stay.

On the second time of me viewing this place I now call home, I went out to the field with the horses to connect with them.

I decided I would let them tell me and help me decide who was going stay with me. I went to the opposite end of the field and silently created intention... Who is staying?

Jet, a big bay Standardbred, lifted his head in that moment, walked right over to me, and stood there yawning away. He then stayed with me the entire time I sat in that field.

He was clear and confident in his knowing he was staying in this place to join my medicine herd.

I left the ranch that day feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how in the heck I was going to purchase a 1.2-million-dollar ranch, truly.

I imagined myself standing in front of a mountain with a pack on my back and I geared myself up with the thought, "I can do this."

Jet’s energy came forward and in his own cheeky way said to me, "Why climb when you can fly?"

I felt his presence with me the entire time I was manifesting this place.

He reminded me and encouraged me to connect with the possibility of magic, of knowing our ability to bring things into being, and that we can manifest things without exerting ourselves or climbing a mountain with a pack of 30 pounds on our back.

In the last 4 years of my life, I have been conscious about this energy of manifestation, of empowering myself in the ability that I can call things into form.

Whether it be this ranch, or money, clients, support, community or relationships, we have an ability – when we are clear and are holding space for our inner work – to draw things to us without exerting ourselves or burning out.

Manifestation is an internal process that happens when we are tuned into our source, when we are intentional about what we focus on, and when we believe in our own power.

I believe we all have the ability to manifest. I believe it isn’t some secret power only a certain number of people have.

And deeper than that, I look at manifestation as a vehicle for us to be more deeply connected the depth of who we are and be reminded of our own power.

Life doesn’t have to be hard.

Bringing things into being does not have to be a struggle.

When we are conscious and attuned, we are in sync with a flow that bring things to us.

The effort we hold is the one we create in our internal alignment and consciousness about what we are holding in our thoughts and our energy.

These past few weeks, I have noticed how the energy of manifestation has come to the forefront of my thoughts, both in my own experience and with my clients.

I sometimes forget as well, when I feel overwhelmed with the financial responsibility that I have, feeling the anxiety around how I am going to continue to build my revenue without knowing how to do things.

I sometimes feel insecure that there could be more that I could be doing.

That is a thought of disconnect.

In this past month, I have gone back to what I know deeply to be true.

We don’t have to force.
We don’t have to waste our energy.
We just have to create alignment.

I have had clients seemingly show up out of the blue, and help show up just as I need it, synchronicities, cash flowing in when I am outside in the field with my horses focusing on turning inwards....

This shit works.  And I want that for you. 

Holding you in a space of possibility, manifestation and magic,
Hillary Schneider
Confidence, Ease & Prosperity Coach

Through Hillary, I learned creating is easy...almost effortless.  It's through our INTERNAL work, that we get the money, clients, friends, and opportunities to show up. 

It's not about writing another blog post, taking another class, or overextending ourselves to people that gets things to happen... it's the internal work to get or stay in alignment (and clear away the thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve us), that we can create a life of ease, joy & abundance. 

Why climb when you can fly, right?   

I hope you will share this post with someone who will find it helpful

Please check out Hillary's website (listed below), for more information on her story, her ranch, retreats, online manifesting course, horse medicine, coaching and more. 

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