Humans Are Born Only Fearing 2 Things

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Humans are born being afraid of just 2 things: loud noises and falling.

Everything else are veils - fears/limiting beliefs, we pick up from childhood, friends, family, the media, teachers, doctors, past lives et cetera.

Fear of being seen.
Fear of being abandoned.
Fear of being judged.
Fear of being alone.
Fear of not being liked.
Fear of not having enough money.
Fear of being too loud, too sexy, too “much”.
Fear of getting in trouble.
Fear of being late.
Fear of catching the train, plane, bus, beginning of the movie etc.

So. Many. Fears and yet not enough trust - or knowing that the Universe only ever trades up! That we live in a benevolent Universe, not a malevolent one and that everything, everything, everything is always happening for us - not to us.

We carry a lot of fears, but remember, what is the first rule of the Universe?! It is ABUNDANT.

There is more than enough for everyone and it wants to give to us.

It can be hard to RE-remember that it’s supposed to be easy.
It’s supposed to be fun.
It’s supposed to be joyful.
It’s supposed to be abundant.
It’s supposed to be beautiful, but that’s our journey/reason for being here on this big, beautiful planet!

To awaken to these truths (and drop those fears - lift those veils as they are not true!

They are just a “program” running through our mind - and our mind & thoughts create our experience, but once we stop that program from running… and re-remember our abundant, playful, pleasurable, joyful and loving nature, the game ends).

This year - 2020, is giving humanity a big nudge to re-remember this and to stop operating from fear.

Keep your eye on the prize - what you want to manifest/see happen in your life. Limit time on social media and spend some time connecting with your inner guidance - your intuition. It will help you to re-remember these truths and do things, let go of people, read things etc. that will help you re-remember what you already know! And, to enjoy life!

Experiencing a loss, ending, break-up or having a hard time letting go? Reading this can help!

Avocado Smoothie