The Divine Feminine is Rising - In All of Us

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I originally wrote this on my Instagram page in June 2018, but I love this proverb and seeing that 2020 is a year of much needed changed (and a welcome back of feminine energy, which is intuition, slowing down, cooking, baking, nurturing, allowing, seeing the bigger picture), I wanted to share it on my blog as well. :)

The divine feminine is intuitive.

It is sensual.

It is creative vs. form and function.

It is feeling vs. only relying on what one can see with the naked eye.

It is allowing.

It exists in you. It exists in me.

Both are needed, but the divine feminine is greatly out of balance. She is now learning how to write. Rawr!

Embrace the not always going, pushing, doing or forcing energy in your life. It gets much easier when we listen (and then follow), our intuition. Life doesn’t become forced — it flows.

Remember, we get quiet first to hear guidance for our next step, then we act. It’s about taking inspired action.

Receiving or being able to hear guidance is feminine energy. Action is masculine energy (which is the second step - not the only step). Learning how to embrace more feminine energy is the key to balance. She, feminine energy, has now been given the chance to be heard.

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