My Favorite And Most Helpful Spiritual Books

August 9th is Book Lovers Day! It’s a day to encourage people to put down their devices and pick up a book. I love books and when it comes to my spiritual awakening, they have played a huge role.

Plus, as it states in Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings From The Pleiadians, electronics “jam” our frequency. So another yay for books!


The Psychic Pathway
This was my first book to explain chakras, meditating and how to ask our guides for help. I hadn’t heard much about chakras and how intuition worked (the first chapter invites you to get quiet and keep a synchronicity or intuition journal with anything that seems odd, repeats, or any time you think of a person and they pop up!). It is asking you to create the first most important step - a space for your intuition to be heard. This book was a beautiful introduction to all things spiritual.

You Can Heal Your Life
Louise Hay was very prolific with several books and oracle cards (and her own publishing house), but her most popular book is You Can Heal Your Life. While this isn’t your typical book with closely written paragraphs and long chapters, it is a nice way to ease into learning about our soul and the power of our thoughts.

Part of what made this book so popular is the chart with reference to the reoccurring thoughts and the different ailments they have caused. It lists everything from hangnails, headaches, migraines and a sore throat, to back pain and heart attacks (the blood represents joy and the heart is strained as there is a lack of joy in one’s life).

This book was a wonderful way to introduce me to the idea, “Oh wow! As a soul, I chose my parents based on the lessons I need to work through.” “And that’s why I had so many ear infections as a child. Woahhhh!

Animal Speak, The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small
This is a fabulous book that explains the meaning of different animals from a squirrel and a frog to a deer or a pigeon.

I also love the section that expands on the meaning of where you see the animal such as mountains usually represent higher consciousness while a meadow lends itself to waves of grass and flowers. This type of landscape gives the meadow a soft appearance (and, in turn, do you need to invite softness into your life or are you being too soft and not drawing boundaries in certain areas…?). A garden shows our relationship with nature where it is controlled and subdued while a city environment can be reflecting a sense of community and flexibility (and the animals we see there). I reach for this book whenever an animal crosses my path (either in my dream, in a park or I see someone with a animal tattoo), as the descriptions are so helpful!

The Complete Encyclopedia of Angels
This is the book I use the most and I’ve talked about this book in my podcast episode, How to Ask For Help from your Angels & Guides, as this was one of the biggest skills I’ve ever learned. I had no idea we have a whole football team waiting for us to ask for help!

While it’s fun to flip through the book and realize that you can ask for help with protecting your electronics to finding your dream home, regulating your menstrual cycle or connecting with your purpose, I like to close my eyes and open the book “at random”.

Each god, goddess, angel, saint or deity will describe how to call them. You might need to float some flowers in water, write a note or open a window and speak your requests into the breeze, but whatever it is, they do show up! They have all been a big help and guidance in my life - for big and small requests!

Bringers of The Dawn, Teachings From The Pleiadians
I read this book recently, (during quarantine), and it applied so accurately to everything going on. I couldn’t read it fast enough, but it can be a bit out there.

Everything in the book resonated for me, from being someone who came here to be a “systems buster” to the fact that we don’t wake anybody up – we wake others up, by waking ourselves up and showing how free, abundant, joyful and healthy life is supposed to be.

And yes, this book does talk about portals, holograms, and how the beings, or “dark T-shirts”, as the Pleiadians refer to them (the Pleiadians are very loving and playful beings so they like to keep things simple and not scare humanity), raided Earth over 300,000 years ago. It helped explain, from a higher perspective, some of the extreme things coming to light right now as the Pleiadians share that the “dark T-shirts” food source is chaos and fear. However, once their food source is gone, they will leave this planet.

Even though it was published in 199, this book explains so much in regards to what is going on right now. If you desire to learn more, then this book will help explain humanity’s 12 strands of DNA, why so much of our DNA was unplugged, why sex has been labeled dirty and more.

It reminds us that light is information and dark is lack of information, which is what’s going on in 2020 – the dark, or lack of information, ie the squashing of certain healing modalities, of free energy resources, of humanity’s amazing powers to create, are being exposed.

The Ultimate Guide to Tarot
While I’ve been reading tarot cards for many years, (click here to book a reading with me :), I always love to learn more about the symbolism, connection, and different ways to read the cards. Whether you’ve never worked with a deck or have been working with one for years, this book is packed with ideas for different spreads. It also lists crystals & chakras for the cards and shows positions in The Tree of Life for each card in the major arcana. It’s also very easy to pick up, read and flip through.

The Ultimate Guide to Numerology
I love numbers as they are one of the easiest ways to interpret guidance from our angels/guides/higher self. While this isn’t the best way to look up repeating numbers such as 6868 or 2255, it is a fantastic book to use as a guide when you want to get a good understanding of the numbers (which is 0-9).

I found the section on the meaning behind each letter to be very interesting as “N” is open at the top and bottom, which helps bring information from above to Earth. N loves to pick up new ideas, just as the word “antenna” has so many Ns!

To see the list of My Favorite Health Books, check out this blog post!

Vegan Cacio e Pepe

The Divine Feminine is Rising - In All of Us